Tenterfield Star
Wednesday, 24 April 2024




It's episode 6 of Farmer Wants a Wife and the highlight is three ready-to-perform additions.
Ashley Walmsley
Car Expert
The Senior
Think you're smarter than The Lightning Bolt? Find out all about the new Chaser in Australia.
Therese Murray
Proposed law changes to reduce financial elder abuse.
Eileen Wood
The Standing Council of Attorneys-General is looking into changes to financial Enduring Powers of Attorney. Picture Shutterstock
Persistence has paid off for veterans golfer Rita Gounder.
Rowan Cowley
Rita Gounder is Western Sydney Region Veteran Golf Association's ladies player of the year. Picture supplied
The Land
Yet more girls enter the fray and Dean makes a big decision, and it's not about abandoning his hat.
Ashley Walmsley